Microfiction & Flash Fiction
- Up to 1500 Words
- $45 Hourly Rate (USD), with a $45 minimum charge
- Track Changes, Style Sheet Example & Editor Memo
- 1+ week turnaround
Short Story Edit
- 1500 - 30,000 Words
- $45 Hourly Rate (USD), with a $45 minimum charge
- Requires a Sample Edit in order to determine editing needs
- Track Changes, Style Sheet & Editor Memo
- 2+ week turnaround
Novella Edit
- 30,000 - 50,000 Words
- Project Rate based on word count
- Requires a Sample Edit in order to determine editing needs
- Track Changes, Style Sheet Example & Memo
- 3+ week turnaround
Which Editing Service Does Your Short Fiction Need?
A Developmental Edit:
Focuses on the BIG PICTURE of your manuscript. Both my Developmental Edit and my Manuscript Critique focus on the story, the characters, the content in general.
My Developmental Edit includes everything that my Critique does, such as an editor’s memo, but it also includes margin comments throughout your manuscript. I also provide you with a timeline sheet and character style sheets. I will also provide you with resources that will help you during the publishing process.
Some points that I may touch on in my Developmental Edit include:
- Conflict
- Action
- Repetitive Content
- Story Structure
- Narrative voice
- Plot
- Theme
- Readability
- Pacing
- Characters
- Dialogue
- Believability
- Chapter Content
- Enjoyability
- Writing Technique
- Editing Needs
A Stylistic/Line Edit: I am not currently offering this service.
- Is editing at a paragraph and sentence level. Editors Canada states that "stylistic editing is editing to clarify meaning, ensure coherence and flow, and refine the language." For more information, please visit Editors Canada's Professional Editorial Standards for Stylistic Editing, found HERE.
- Considers reading level, language use, and paragraph structure
- Fixes or eliminates clichés, jargon, and redundancies
- Flags overused words and phrases
- Fixes or flags incorrectly used idioms and quotations
- Rearranges sentences and paragraphs, so they are clear
- Flags or removes offensive or libellous phrasing
- Replaces passive voice with active voice
- Fixes parallelism in sentences
- Includes one initial read through and one editing pass. Subsequent passes are available as an add-on service.
Manuscript Critiques/Assessments
I recommend a manuscript critique for all writers that want to self-publish, and writers that are having a hard time finding a traditional publisher. Please see my Manuscript Critique page for a full breakdown of what is included in this service, as well as my current rates.
This Service:
- Looks at the "Big Picture" of your story
- I take a look at every aspect of your story, from the plot to the conflict to your choice of title. When I critique your novel, I determine weak areas and give you options of how to address these issues
- I provide you with an editor's memo and may provide you with examples by commenting right on your manuscript using Track Changes in Word
- This is not a line-by-line edit. It focuses entirely on the story and writing technique